What I Learned Yesterday: The Sequel
On Medical Science:
a. Drug over dose can lead to fatal results. But if you live through this, it causes serious embarassment to carry through your entire lifetime.
b. Just because you don't feel the effects of prescription drugs doesn't mean it doesnt have one. Directions on the dosage is written on the prescription... it is not for the pharmacists, it is for the patient to read and follow.
c. Albinos exist in this world, and so do Caucassians. For your own safety, and to save yourself from humiliation... never assume that one is the other. Learn to disguish albinos from actual caucassians and vice versa.
d. Epilepsy and Seizures are serious conditions. Both have attacks that can strike anytime and anywhere. It is not madatory to know a lot about this condition, but at least... at the very least... learn to distinguish people who are having and epileptic or seizure attacks from great actors impersonating a bacon being fried in a pan! There is a big difference!!! And you should be able to get a clue at some point.
e. ICU needs to be taken seriously.. and so do ICU patients. Although we've heard of the saying "laughter is the best medicine", this is one of the exceptions where it is not applicable. Any successful attemp of making an ICU patient laugh can be very fatal and yes... you can actually be banned from the ICU. And no flirting with hot nurses can reverse it. This is another exception where "It's the thought that counts" is not applicable... because in the ICU, all that counts is keeping the patients alive and breathing.
d. Epilepsy and Seizures are serious conditions. Both have attacks that can strike anytime and anywhere. It is not madatory to know a lot about this condition, but at least... at the very least... learn to distinguish people who are having and epileptic or seizure attacks from great actors impersonating a bacon being fried in a pan! There is a big difference!!! And you should be able to get a clue at some point.
e. ICU needs to be taken seriously.. and so do ICU patients. Although we've heard of the saying "laughter is the best medicine", this is one of the exceptions where it is not applicable. Any successful attemp of making an ICU patient laugh can be very fatal and yes... you can actually be banned from the ICU. And no flirting with hot nurses can reverse it. This is another exception where "It's the thought that counts" is not applicable... because in the ICU, all that counts is keeping the patients alive and breathing.
On Speech Therapy:
a. Talking to one's self is for the clinically insane, and this goes for all cultures. It is best to check if there are people around that you can converse with if you decide to have an actual conversation with a person other than yourself.
b. Arguements are unavoidable... by all means, if you want to argue, make sure you pick the right person to argue with. There is never a point in trying to have a verbal argument with the deaf and mute.
c. The deaf and mute are just like ordinary people. The only difference is the fact that they are physically handicapped. They are capable of getting on public transport. Just because you don't hear them even if they're lips are moving doesnt mean you have dropped into a warp zone and the world has gone silent or you've gone crazy. Not everything is about you. Your hint: They use sign language. As long as you see them signing, it is safe to assume that they are conversing with each other and you are not in the Twilight Zone.
On Aviation: Airport security can be rigid. Underwire bras can set off the metal detectors. Avoid wearing one when travelling at all times unless you are plannig to be physically intimate with airport security.
On Consumer Education: When ordering a value meal in the stalls of Edsa Central... straight meal refers to: A meal having just one viand and rice instead of 2 viands and rice. It is common for stall vendors to ask and say: "straight??". Never assume that they are asking about your sexual orientation.
On Virtues and Vices: Virtues always supercedes violations. When you are guilty of any violation and cannot talk your way out of it, admit to the fault and make a back handed comment of "Honesty is the best policy"
On The Theory of Cause and Effect: All unfortunate effects are results of a root cause. The challenge is finding the most convicing and logical cause. When asked to submit a homework by a teacher who collects the homework at the beginning of class, it is never a good idea to give the excuse that you were late... it only leads to the root cause that your homeworks are exact replicas of someone else's.
On The After Life: It is customary and a tradition for Filipinos to put the immediate family members' names of the deceased on ribbons and pin it on the cloth of the casket's lining. It is definitely NOT an Adult/Cutural version of "Pin the Tail on the Donkey". Some people actually think its a solemn practice. It has no entertainment value. Never make the mistake of thinking it's a customized parlor game.
~joyous =0)
Ang kulit mo Joy!! I would love to hear the specific stories that taught you these lessons in life. I should print these out para we can have a point-by-point discussion.
ReplyDeleteHahahaha!! Sige, lets include this to our agenda aside from the discussion about Fuma Lay R!!!
ReplyDeleteI learned something new - the one about the underwire!!! wahaha :)