What I Learned Today: A Collection of Lessons Learned
1. On Terminology: The use of the word "Keychain" does not make me sound any smarter. Keychain is a fairly simple word.
2. On Supply and Demand: If I was able to purchase something somewhere, I should pretty much know where to buy that something. No point in asking where it can be bought. (Refer to quotable quotes - to follow)
3. On Cats: Snarf is a hybrid cat. There are 2 Snarfs I know... 1 from Thundercats and the other from Kingfisher.
4. On Hygiene: Men love whisper for the same reason that women love tampons! And because it allows them to lift their women, wearing white pants in a concert.
5. On Car Racing: This covers a lot of areas. Discussion is necessary, since I cant summarize
6. On Psychology: A straight answer can never be demanded from a confused person. Furthermore, 2 confused people can never give a straight answer. There's a reason why they are confused.
7. On Events and Current Affairs: Adults know their own birthdays. Never argue with them and insist that you know their birthdays more than they do.
8. On Fine Arts: Color Blindness is a real and existing condition. It is not a myth nor is it a legend. Never get in an arguement just because your eyes cannot distinguish the colors that you see.
9. On Gravity: It is possible to drown in the Dead Sea. But you'll have to stick your head in the water and keep your legs upright above water level
10. On Linguistics: Just becuase you put a foreign accent on how you pronounce an English word doesnt make it a valid word in a foreign language.
11. On Fictional Literature and Mass Communication: Fuma Lay R and Grimace are ligitimate creatures. The only question is... what are they?? Are they vegetables, fruits, or crops? I honestly think Grimace is a Taro.. and I think Fuma Lay R is a rotten cabbage.
12. On Dining: Used straw wrappers are meant to be disposed in the trash can and not inside the cup. The reason being -- so you never end up sipping your drink with the wrapper.
13. On Driver's Education: The Law of Interia is applicable. And so is Newton's Law of Motion. For every action, there is always an opposed and equal reaction. Translation in lay man's term -- over speeding can cause serious concussion and trauma...specially when the passenger literally flies off the seat.
14. On Physics: Roller coasters are composed of factors such as speed, trajectory, velocity and force. It is never a good idea to consume a large chocolate milkshare from Dairy Queen before or after the ride, unless you plan on seeing how milkshake comes out from where it came in.
15. On Anatomy: Ears are for hearing. When talking to someone, it is necessary to put the phone by your ear to actually hear the person. You cannot expect to hear the person on the line if you are pulling away from the phone or if the phone is being pulled away from you.
To be continued....
~joyous =0)
1. On Terminology: The use of the word "Keychain" does not make me sound any smarter. Keychain is a fairly simple word.
2. On Supply and Demand: If I was able to purchase something somewhere, I should pretty much know where to buy that something. No point in asking where it can be bought. (Refer to quotable quotes - to follow)
3. On Cats: Snarf is a hybrid cat. There are 2 Snarfs I know... 1 from Thundercats and the other from Kingfisher.
4. On Hygiene: Men love whisper for the same reason that women love tampons! And because it allows them to lift their women, wearing white pants in a concert.
5. On Car Racing: This covers a lot of areas. Discussion is necessary, since I cant summarize
6. On Psychology: A straight answer can never be demanded from a confused person. Furthermore, 2 confused people can never give a straight answer. There's a reason why they are confused.
7. On Events and Current Affairs: Adults know their own birthdays. Never argue with them and insist that you know their birthdays more than they do.
8. On Fine Arts: Color Blindness is a real and existing condition. It is not a myth nor is it a legend. Never get in an arguement just because your eyes cannot distinguish the colors that you see.
9. On Gravity: It is possible to drown in the Dead Sea. But you'll have to stick your head in the water and keep your legs upright above water level
10. On Linguistics: Just becuase you put a foreign accent on how you pronounce an English word doesnt make it a valid word in a foreign language.
11. On Fictional Literature and Mass Communication: Fuma Lay R and Grimace are ligitimate creatures. The only question is... what are they?? Are they vegetables, fruits, or crops? I honestly think Grimace is a Taro.. and I think Fuma Lay R is a rotten cabbage.
12. On Dining: Used straw wrappers are meant to be disposed in the trash can and not inside the cup. The reason being -- so you never end up sipping your drink with the wrapper.
13. On Driver's Education: The Law of Interia is applicable. And so is Newton's Law of Motion. For every action, there is always an opposed and equal reaction. Translation in lay man's term -- over speeding can cause serious concussion and trauma...specially when the passenger literally flies off the seat.
14. On Physics: Roller coasters are composed of factors such as speed, trajectory, velocity and force. It is never a good idea to consume a large chocolate milkshare from Dairy Queen before or after the ride, unless you plan on seeing how milkshake comes out from where it came in.
15. On Anatomy: Ears are for hearing. When talking to someone, it is necessary to put the phone by your ear to actually hear the person. You cannot expect to hear the person on the line if you are pulling away from the phone or if the phone is being pulled away from you.
To be continued....
~joyous =0)
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