Friday, February 19, 2010



Like grains of sand I built my castle around her
A castle where the Kings and Queens lived happily after

Like grains of sand I saw our footprints as we walk together hand in hand
Footprints that reminded us where we’ve been and where we want to go

Like grains of sand she harboured a magical sand dollar
A magical sand dollar so rare that I kept each one I had since I was younger

Like grains of sand the beach will never be complete without it
The beach where the water can flow to rush and be calm

Like grains of sand a haven is created for horses to go and run free
Horses with spirits as high as every man’s hopes should be

Like grains of sand the waves have taken her away from me
Waves that hit me from behind and was gone when I looked back to see

Like grains of sand she slipped through my fingers as I held her tight
She held my dreams as we waited for them to come true

Like grains of sand the wind carries her through each breeze
The wind that brings her back to me as she comes alive, so it seems

Like grains of sand I watched time pass me by as each one drops to the bottom of the hourglass
Time that I can never get back, time that I had with her before I saw her breathe her last

Like grains of sand my love for her can never be measured
My love that I will always remember
My love who will have my heart... a day longer than forever


~joyous =0)

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